Le green corner

The ARTEA group's global environmental approach is both a way of advancing industry best practices and improving the user experience. It is natural that we find this approach through the elements of programming this building.


User comfort at the heart of priorities

  • Light: special care is provided during the design to promote the natural light in the work areas. The artificial lighting is also the object of all the attentions to ensure both a level of illumination of 300 Lux at the right of the workstations and a very low level of glare by the illuminated paving stones with LED technology.
  • Acoustics: the selection of high-end technical equipment and renowned manufacturers allows to limit the internal sources of noise nuisance and thus offer a very good level of acoustic comfort.
  • Thermal comfort: the bioclimatic design of our buildings, coupled with the implementation of passive solutions (insulation, exterior joineries, etc...) and active (air conditioning, ventilation) performance allows us to drastically reduce the recurrent sources of discomfort (overheating behind the glazing, sensations of air current under the air conditioning vents, etc...)
  • Air quality: the generalization of the dual-flow MVC to the entire building allows, in addition to the energy savings, to filter out all of the fresh air brought into the premises and thus significantly reduce the amount of dust in the Local. The selection of low-pollutant construction materials (VOC, formaldehyde, allergens, etc.) also contributes to good indoor air quality.

The sustainability of the patrimony 

  • Being 30% more efficient than the energy consumption levels imposed by the RT2012, the building will remain competitive compared to new production for many years in an increasingly restrictive regulatory context.
  • The flexibility of the floors will allow to adapt easily to the possible needs of renting spaces that can arise in the life of a tertiary building. This flexibility will also be a major asset in the event of a resale.

The green corner office building is part of a plot of about 1615 m², located in Aix-en-Provence.

It rises on 3 levels above a basement level and develops a surface area of about 1400 m².